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Yan continued to be approached by consumers who wanted to buy canned goods to eat at home..

In 2016, the first vegetable field was planted at the eco-farm and the first batch of preserves was made, which consisted of pickled squash and zucchini.

The range of products follows two principles: the products should be unusual, and their cultivation should be without the use of chemicals. Thus, among the vegetables appeared okra, colorful carrots and tomatoes, asparagus, beans and truffle potatoes with purple flesh.


 The name of the company is very special, they wanted to find a Ukrainian word that would be associated with something ecological and natural. Yan remembered his childhood, filled with the smell of hay and the buildings of the Carpathian Mountains. The stodola was considered a “clean” place in the yard, even swearing was strictly forbidden there.

"I come up with the product I want to see in the brand's assortment, and then my mother's magic — she brings out the perfect taste. It's easy for her because she has a phenomenally sharp taste and sense of smell. And where I or most consumers do not see the difference, she feels it acutely"

Our story

STODOLA is a family business, as Yan and his mother work in tandem. Yan himself says: "I come up with the product I want to see in the brand's assortment, and then my mother's magic—she brings out the perfect taste. It's easy for her because she has a phenomenally sharp taste and sense of smell. And where I or most consumers do not see the difference, she feels it acutely".


The STODOLA trademark was registered in September 2016. The products appeared on the shelves of Goodwine and Winetime craft supermarkets in 2017 and in 2018 in the national networks at Auchan and Silpo, STODOLA appeared in 2018. You can also buy canned food online in the Rozetka online store.


STODOLA has its own closed production cycle. All vegetables are grown on a certified organic field located in a unique area of Mykolaiv region called "Bohopil" (that means God field in Ukrainian).


STODOLA products:

  • organic pickles

  • organic canned appetizers

  • organic sauces

  • organic spreads, relishes and caviar

  • organic dips

  • juices and smoothies

  • dried vegetable veg&seed crackers

  • dried vegetable chips and crisps

  • dried fruit bars

  • jams with and without sugar

  • honey


In 2020, more than fifty SKUs received an international organic certificate.  All preserves are made according to unique recipes that do not contain synthetic ingredients, harmful additives and flavor enhancers. Artesian water from our own well is used for marinades.


Since there are no certified vegetable seeds in Ukraine yet, STODOLA buys materials from organic producers in the USA and Austria. All plants are on drip irrigation; and along with water, fertilizers and beneficial bacteria are supplied to the root of the plant, which help fight pests and diseases.


The company plans to expand production by installing a new modern vegetable processing line and a new production unit for drying fruit and vegetables. Within a few years, Yan has introduced his products to Ukrainian supermarket chains and is establishing supplies to Germany, Scandinavia, the USA, Singapore, and the UAE. As,  STODOLA is making every effort to ensure that Ukrainian products made according to unique recipes from their own grown and selected vegetables, fruits, and berries could be sold all over the world.


With the support of the USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine (USAID CEP)

©2022 від UFMAlliance. 

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