Botanica catering business started in the home kitchen in 2013. I was making sandwiches and salads for the first client and after that I was running to my main work. In 6 months I had a professional kitchen and was looking for something to turn the sandwich delivery to a more sophisticated concept. In 2015 i developed the idea of business catering with full range food supply to fulfill any need of business in food.
2013 - present - 10 years of business catering experience in Ukraine with more than 200 thousand people feeding on business events, team buildings and office deliveries. After Covid we started providing catering to schools and hospitals with diet menus and education food programs for kids
28.02.2022 - 01.08.2023 - from the third day of War for 5 months I have been running one of the biggest volunteer kitchen in Kyiv, we served and delivered more than 500 000 three course meals to refugees, hospitals, millitaries and bombing shelters in partnership with WCK
in July 2022 - present we have started production of convenience food for HoReCa in Kyiv
October 2022 - present European branch LaBotanica was launched in Amsterdam.
I always regarded food as art, something that can add elegance to very simple meals, but also as art which can be multiplied and keep really high standards in tastes and quality. Its one of the most important features of food for big caterers and hoteliers. So welcome LaBotanica starters as your small aesthetic and financially effective assistants)
starters are small frozen bytes
vegetable, seafood, fish and meat mousse based
weight 18-30 g
12 savoury tastes
7 sweet tastes coming soon
Simplicity and speed in serving
Variety of tastes developed especially for still and sparkling wines, and for spirits. Food pairing brings more sophisticated food experience.
Surprised guests and intrigued by “what is this?” providing subject to small talk:)
Modern and fashionable customer is immediately appealed
No waste concept for your kitchen
In high seasons when kitchen is overloaded your team always has ready to
I always regarded food as art, something that can add elegance to very simple meals, but also as art which can be multiplied and keep really high standards in tastes and quality.
Our story
Having 10 years of experience in catering business in Ukraine we created products which serve as a solution for the major problem of all Horeca players - limited resources of hands in the kitchen, no waste food and always ready to serve a welcome part of any kind of event. Starters are created by highly qualified ukrainian chefs, adapted to European tastes and standards by local chefs and manufactured in collaboration with netherland’s food producer. In one ready to serve product you will get a mix of gastronomic tastes and high technological standards.
LaBotanica clients:
restaurants which don’t have big kitchens and highly qualified chefs
hotels for events and room service,
catering companies using precooked food,
food deliveries, etc.
wine shops New friend of wines and strong alcohol - collaboration with wine producers and selling on the “wine shelves” (small fridges in the wine departments, info flyers on the wine shelves).
Products for Avia and Cruise liners
flights business class
private jets
cruise liners

LA BOTANICA starters:
Charismatic Herring
Orange in Beetroot Hearts
Buckhorn & Sweet Potato Friendship
Old Amsterdam
Seabass And Mussels Wedding
Wild innocent shrimp